I heard it once said that the difference between a business secret and common knowledge was that common knowledge was far more difficult to come by. I think to some extent this is probably the case.
Whether in sales or business management, as you progress up the ladder you become more of a “knowledge” worker and somewhat less of an implementation worker. By the nature of your expanded role you are entrusted with more information regarding the plans and strategies of the accounts or business (usually both).
This is pretty heady stuff. You are entrusted to know things that others are not. The urge is to show off and tell others the things you know. The requirement is to communicate strategies and directions so as to best align the resources to execute on the plans. The need is to do so without “broadcasting” in such a way as to reduce the value of the information by providing it to those who do not need, or should not have it.
I have stated in the past that the value of information is in sharing it. The art is being able to select what to share and who to share it with and how to share it in such a way as to be able to achieve your sales and business goals without your proprietary business information becoming “common knowledge”.