Deliver the Bad News

We have all seen it, and probably even done it at one time or another. A customer wants something. It is a logical request. They are a good customer. We really want to make them happy. The problem is that we are just not able to provide them what they want. It is now somebody’s responsibility to tell them.


It may be too expensive to develop the capability or to do. You may not have the resources available. The product or service may just not be technically capable of delivering what has been requested. It may be so far outside the contractual arrangements that you just can’t do it.


It is bad news.


Our first response is to try and soften the news. We naturally look for some way to get around the issue. We want to leave some feeling that there may be some way around the problem or a potential solution in the future. Don’t defer it, avoid it, or assign it to someone else.


This is only digging the hole deeper.


Business is about setting expectations and then meeting them. If you can not meet a customer’s request, you need to deliver that position and set the expectation that the request will not be met. It is business. People understand that they will not always be able to get everything they want. If positioned properly and honestly, it will be known that it is your desire and position to provide the best service and capabilities available, but that sometimes you are not able to fulfill every customer request.


In the future, if a solution to the customer’s request is found or developed, they will be pleased as their expectations (of no solution) will be exceeded. Whereas if you have positioned for a potential review or solution at sometime in the future to avoid delivering bad news, you have delayed meeting their expectations and created frustration. Customers understand a “yes” or a “no” answer, but a “maybe” will almost always frustrate them.

2 thoughts on “Deliver the Bad News”

  1. Steve,
    Great post. IT must be said…. Anyone can deliver good news. That’s easy. The best, most competent folks will quickly deliver the bad news. That’s hard. That is one of the reasons they are the best!! Armed with bad news, decisions may need to be made to react to that bad news. The more quickly the information is delivered, the more time to plan and react. It is only fair and right to deliver the messages good or bad in a timely manor.


  2. Steve,
    Great point. I concur with your assessment.
    Some people find fault like there is a reward for it. However, saying no to a business you can’t fulfill to your company’s standard, is a business you have to say no to so that you can say Yes in the future for a job that will propel you and your corporation as on of the greatest suppliers to your customers.

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