It’s Not “What”

We have all attended senior management “all hands” meetings. These are invariably the meetings where senior management fulfills its obligation to try and communicate with the rest of the business. These meetings have the potential to really inspire the team. The reality is that they usually do not.

All hands meetings are usually appreciated for the attempt by management to communicate to the team. It has been a while since any of us has been graded on effort alone. We get reviewed on results. They can also be easily interpreted as management fulfilling its obligation to meet its self measured object to “communicate” with the team.

Much of the issue lies in the content presented to the team in the all hands communication session. There is usually a review of the group’s performance. This is good. Everyone wants to know where the team stands with respect to its goals or targets, and how it is doing with respect to previous periods. This provides the team with an overall frame of reference for their performance and position.

What follows is normally a review of “what” is to be done next. What the next goal is. What is yet to be done. What needs to be improved. When I hear this sort of information I am reminded of the satires of war movies where the general addresses the soldiers preparing for battle and tells them.

”Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to take that hill. When we’re done there, we’re going to take the next hill. After that we’re going to take the next hill. When we get up on top of that hill, we’re going to look around and see if there are any other hills we want to take….”

Objectives are great. Now everyone knows “What” the team is going to do. Everyone probably had a good idea of what they were going to do next before the meeting. The team now wants to hear How they are going to achieve the goal. Which resources are to be used. Who will have leadership responsibilities. In short, they want to hear a high level review of the “The Plan”.

An all hands meeting where you do not communicate the organizational strategy or plan is almost akin to telling your organization that you don’t have a plan, even if you do. I have stated in the past that if you provide your team a blank page (no information) chances are that you will not like the story that they will write on it. That is the case here.

The individual members of the team need to at least understand the high level aspects of the team strategy, so they can internalize them and create their own individual strategies and goals that support and contribute to the team goals. By providing more than just a “what” is needed, and including a little more of “why” its needed and “how” we propose to get it, you can turn an all hands meeting back into a much more useful management tool.

2 thoughts on “It’s Not “What””

  1. I agree entirely; “why” and “how” are two of the most critical questions for most employees. Not only does it allow them to personalize the situation, but it also instills confidence that you do know what is going on and understand the totality of the organization.

    We all know the guy who tells his employees they are going to see a 30% profit increase through “working smarter.” With no qualification it’s just so much hot air.

    I would add that another of the most major impacts to the motivational potential of an all-hands is interactivity. Although the corollary is always that of a general handing plans to his troops the truth is it is more akin to a preacher leading his congregation. The general doesn’t need belief or buy-in, he just needs troops to be troops. The preacher needs faith, faith requires trust, and trust requires rapport.

    We know asking a person to turn a crank blindly breeds contempt. So you need to know what the crank is connected to and why it needs to be turned. But that’s not motivation; that’s just removal of demotivating factors.

    To get to true motivation you also need ownership. An employee needs to feel their aspect of the business belongs to them and that they have some freedom of action in it. In the overwhelming majority of cases this can be accomplished as simply as asking a person how they think they can implement the plan at their level.

    Here’s hoping we can change the culture and usher in an era where the all-hands is more celebration than drinking game (take a shot every time someone says focused!)…

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